Tasman Youth Councils are four groups of friendly young people in Richmond, Motueka, Golden Bay and Murchison, who work together to ensure that young people of Tasman District have a voice that is heard and have opportunities for real decision-making.
Youth Councils are:
Always up to date with what’s on young people’s minds
Make sure that Local and Central Governments are aware of young people’s ideas and issues
Make sure that Tasman District Council’s planning processes, considers the potential impact on young people now or in the future
Initiate projects that benefit the local young people
Participating in conversations with local political branches (Community Board and Community Councils) and the Regional Community Development Committee.
Who is it for?
This is for someone who is passionate about their local community, wants to make a significant impact on how our society works, and how our towns are functioning
This is also for someone who is interested in politics and want to learn how decisions are made and what role the community play in these decisions
To join the council you need to be between 12 and 24 years old and live in the Tasman District or have an interest in the Tasman Community, e.g. study or work in the area.
What Youth Councils do?
Participate in conferences and hui and organising projects to find out what young people think
Advocate for the youth issues and ideas by writing submissions and present them to Council
Driving infrastructure projects, e.g skate parks, street art, reserves, youth hubs etc.
Initiating programmes, e.g. youth employment, youth wellbeing etc.