We have joined forces with New Zealand and Australia’s most powerful grant search engine, GrantGuru, to deliver a free one-stop-shop grants portal. 

How it works

GrantGuru is a Funding Finder which hand-picks grants and funding opportunities specific to local businesses and community groups, encompassing all government and private sector grants available. It also provides advice and top tips for finding and applying for grants to maximise the chances of receiving funding. 

Organisations and individuals can use the search engine to find available grants and filter them by specifying industry and type of project.  

Users can also register to receive alerts about funding programs relevant to them as they become available, giving businesses and community groups the opportunity to plan and submit well-prepared funding applications.    

GrantGuru is regularly updated with new information and grants. It features all council grants and initiatives. It will replace Generosity NZ portal, but Generosity will still be available through our libraries until July 2024. 

Why we're involved

We wanted to help local businesses and groups to find and apply for grants. There are a lot of great funding opportunities out there, but the process of finding and applying for grants can be daunting and time-consuming and many people don’t know where to start looking. .